Welcome to a bit deployed! My name is Himanshu and this is my blog where I like to share whatever I learn as a developer whether it be about programming languages like python and java, message brokers such as Solace, kafka and rabbitMQ, cloud environments such as AWS and GCP or any software/tool in the tech world such as Docker, Kubernetes and Spark.
I have worked at both buy side and sell side as a Tick Data Developer (Data Engineer) where I worked with columnar time-series databases such as kdb+ and OneTick and cross-asset market data.
I currently work as a Solutions Architect at Solace (which is why you will see so many messaging related posts on this blog). If you are interested in learning more about Solace’s PubSub+ broker, feel free to reach out to me. PubSub+ broker’s Standard Edition is free and can be used in production!
Moreover, let me know if you have any feedback and/or new topics I should cover. You can find me on LinkedIn and look at my code on my github.